Thursday, 9 February 2012


He'd wished it was fog, swirling and twisting
Draping over the unkempt garden.
He needed the gravitas,
The fallacious pathetic fallacy,
To cover his callous lack of emotion in what
He was about to say.
But it was just steam
From the back of her washing machine.

He'd wished that the piercing cry
Screeching over the roof top
Head turning
Ear splitting
Was the cry of a hawk
Punctuating his sentences
With portentous drama
But in truth, it was kids
Fucking with the car they'd nicked.

He wanted so much to care
Because once
He had.

Once he'd loved and once he'd sworn
That he would never have this conversation.
That he'd laugh in the face
Of anyone who'd even suggest he would.

Sworn time and again that as long as the sun shone
And the Earth spun
He would stay with her.

But times they change
And so do hearts.

He'd wished that it was foggy
Thick and enveloping
Holding them together
As once he'd held her close.
But it was steam
Disappearing, evaporating.

Just steam.

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